Stock Bourse ...Out the meaning of the word stock:The origin of the word Stock Exchange due to a person named owned a hotel in Bruges, Belgium, and is frequented by merchants for discussion on commercial transactions and was the theme of this hotel is a three bags of money. And the stock market, the financial market is where Chirvien meet and Alsemsarh at specific times of the day to conduct trading securities and commodities, metals and others

Stock Bourse ...Out the meaning of the word stock:The origin of the word Stock Exchange due to a person named (Van de  owned a hotel in Bruges, Belgium, and is frequented by merchants for discussion on commercial transactions and was the theme of this hotel is a three bags of money.And the stock market, the financial market is where Chirvien meet and Alsemsarh at specific times of the day to conduct trading securities and commodities, metals and others.

Kinds of global inches ...(1) stock exchange, equities, bonds and shares of incorporation.(2) the exchange of goods, such as cotton, wheat, iron and copper.(3) Exchange of precious metals, such as gold, silver, platinum and diamonds.(4) contracts for commercial transactions of goods is present, (5) the spot market for foreign currency trading outside the stock markets (Forex)Here we must know that you Sttajer on Forex immediate spot because our educational session dedicated to this kind of immediate exchange between foreign currencies, which is based on the Islamic regime in trading, and I know you will not trade in the Future Alviuchr market or Alawbashnz the options just stay away from them.
And participates in the stock market several parties ...(1) central banks The central banksThe central banks are the most influential on the market because they have large cash liquidity.It is the largest central banks around the world:


    European Central Bank ECB

    Bank of Japan Bank of Japan

    Swiss National Bank Swiss National Bank


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